Friday, October 5, 2012

Foods That Help You Feel Happy

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A few weeks ago on Iglehart Wellness, we talked about using food to help control your anger. But you don't have to be in a bad mood to use food to improve your mood. If you need a pick me up, boost of energy or just a fun snack, try the following foods. With nothing more than a grocery list and a little information, you can use the produce section of your local grocery store to turn your day around.

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Food that Makes You Feel Beautiful

I’ve yet to meet a person in my professional or personal life who couldn’t use a boost of self-esteem every now and again. When you need a pick me up, make a fresh fruit salad of orange sections and berries. These colorful fruits are high in antioxidants that give your skin a luminescent glow.

For desert, munch on a few squares of dark chocolate. It's good for your heart and it increases blood flow which puts a youthful glow in your cheeks.

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Food That Makes You Feel Young

No one likes getting old. And as you age, your mind can slow down along with your body. For a quick pick me up, try blueberries. A 2010 study published in the National Institute of Health recently revealed that blueberries are high in anthocyanins: polyphenolic compounds associated with increase d neuronal signaling in the areas of the brain that control memory.

Their preliminary studies show that a cup of freshly juiced blueberry juice or the equivalent in fresh blueberries can mitigate neurodegeneration (memory loss) over time. So add a cup to your morning smoothie or have it as an afternoon snack to stay sharp.

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Food That Helps You Live Longer

When you eat foods that are good for your body and longevity, you’re expressing hope and excitement for the future. And this knowledge alone can improve your mood and outlook for the day.

Threatened by high cholesterol? Add a few servings of guacamole or beans with delicious cholesterol-lowering fat content to your diet. Have a glass of red wine before bed to prevent heart disease. A handful of nuts increases insulin-resistance and combats diabetes. 

Eat the foods that are right for you and each time you snack, you’ll be enjoying a symbol of positive change.

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Food That Makes You Feel Bad

Wellness eating is as much about avoiding the wrong foods as it is about choosing the right ones. One great way to improve your mood is to cut down on salt. Keep your intake below 2300mg and you’ll shed retained water associated with increase salt intake. Your pants will fit better and you’ll look slimmer. And that’s a pretty good start to a good day especially if you’ve been watching your weight.

Dr. Sharon

My practice focuses on wellness and healthy eating because I know the power that healthy eating can have to transform your mood. Try to incorporate one or two of these foods into your regimen for two weeks. My patients are continually surprised at how even a small step in a healthy direction can release a good mood and excitement about living a better, healthier life. 

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