Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nutrition and Fitness

The Iglehart Wellness program believes that a balanced diet provides most but not all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients needed. Supplements are not intended to replace a healthy diet. It is difficult to absorb all the nutrients found in the foods we eat, and most of my patients do not eat a balanced diet. They also do not get the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. They are taking in enough calories but not the right type of calories. They rarely eat fresh vegetables and often eat fast food. They rely on quick, processed foods and soda. The following groups may benefit from supplements.

  • Women of childbearing age
  • People aged 50 and over
  • People on special or low calorie diets
  • Those with a poor appetite
  • People on extreme weight-loss regimens
  • Smokers
  • Anyone who drinks alcohol excessively
  • People who lead a hectic lifestyle and cannot eat according to the food guide pyramid.
  • Strict vegetarians.
  • Those who can't drink milk or eat other dairy foods.

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