Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Minute+ Workouts To Fit Any Schedule

Time constraints are what keep most of us from working out more often. Getting to and from the gym can take 30 minutes out of your day. Sure it's just an hour at the gym, but add shower and transit and you can easily eat up 2 hours of your day.

But a commitment to exercise doesn't have to tax your schedule. If you have a few minutes to spare each day, you can get committed to a program. Start with small increments of time. Once you're sticking religiously to your schedule, see if you can squeeze more time in.

The 1 Minute Workout

Yes, it's possible to get a workout in one minute. Mike Chang has become a bit of a YouTube and fitness celebrity thanks to his infamously challenging 1 minute workout. It is grueling. And if you can keep it up for a whole minute, that's pretty impressive. I

Start slow and work session by session up to a minute. If you have time during the day, try them out at regular intervals -- maybe an hour before each meal for a metabolic boost. f you get good, load a video of your time and send it to Mike (and us) to see where you rank in this grueling competition.

The 5 Minute Workout

There is no one on planet earth without 5 minutes to spare. In that five minutes, you can fit in a decent workout. The best five minute workouts are cardio-intensive. They're designed to bring your heart rate up quickly to maximize burn. And this burst of exercise will give your metabolism a boost that lasts most of the day.

This video from 5 minute fitness gets you pumped up. Plus there's a timer to keep track of your time. This is a general workout. However, there are plenty of other 5-minute workout vids on YouTube that focus on specific body parts. Try to work a different muscle group each day.

The 10 Minute Workout

Ten minutes is less than the amount of time it takes to watch an episode of television. Tivo your favorite show for later. Put on a 10-minute workout video instead.

The Victoria's Secret Model 10-minute workout from Fit Sugar is one of the most viral videos on the net. That's because it really works. And it burns. But keep at it. You'll feel a great sense of accomplishment when you master it in a week.

The 15 Minute Workout

 Once you master the 10 minute workout, see if you can squeeze 5 more minutes out of your day. You can easily trade it in for a TV Episode. You can even load it up on your iPad and get a workout in at lunch with plenty of time to freshen up afterward.

This 15 Minute Total Body Boot Camp from Fitness Blender is one of my favorites. It covers all the muscle group and gives you good burn for your time commitment. Plus, there's very little audio so you can play your own music in the background.

Cardiovascular exercise is an integral part of any healthy lifestyle. Even 1 minute of working out every day can change your life. Small commitments are a great way to start making big changes. Start small then build up every one or two weeks. The more slowly you take it, the longer-lasting your benefits will be.

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