Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to Fast the Right Way

There are many reasons to fast from dietary concerns to spiritual ones. When done the right way, a fast is a great way to regain control of your diet or your spiritual center. My patients often come to me for advice on how to fast the right way. Here are a few guidelines that will help you fast successfully and safely.

Set a Time Frame

The best way to start a fast is slowly. If this is your first time, start small with a 24 hour fast. Once you master the 24 hour fast you're ready to tackle a few more days. I don't recommend fasting for longer than 7 days. At that point your body will start to suffer from the missing protein and nutrients in your diet.

Drink Fluids

It is always important to keep hydrated even during a fast. What you drink is up to you. For a spiritually demanding fast, stick to water. An organic juice or tea fast will make it easier to extend your fast over several days.

Whatever you drink, have between 48 and 72 ounces of it a day -- that's between 6 and 9 8oz. glasses per day. To help with your willpower, make sure to have one drink every hour or so. The fluids will keep your system moving and prevent fatigue the energy dips that dehydration can cause.

Flush Your System

Your intestinal tract gets the most out of a fast when its empty. On the first day of your fast, try a laxative tea like Smooth Moves.

Keep things moving during the rest of your fast with Metamucil (found in most drug stores). Metamucil contains psyllium fiber that naturally keeps things moving. Drink two tablespoons in a cup of cold water two times a day. Not only will it keep your bowels healthy, it will cut down on cravings and temporarily lower you're cholesterol.

Restart Fresh

Most of us spend at least part of our fast fantasizing about the foods we'll have once its over. But try to take your spiritual fortitude a little bit longer. The other side of a fast is a great opportunity to change your diet. Once it's time for solid food you'll be so hungry that your taste buds will fall in love with anything you give them. 

For the first day out of your fast, stick to salad (without meat), fruit and nuts or seeds that haven't been roasted. Oprah has a wonderful list of 45 great salad recipes that will make your first day back to solid food a delicious one.

The next day, go back to eating as usual but with one or two more fresh foods introduced into your diet than before. Repeatedly fasting in this way is a great way to slowly change your diet over to a more healthy one.

A fast is a big spiritual and physical commitment. Before you jump in, make an appointment with your doctor. A general checkup will ensure that you're in the right physical condition to go on this journey. If you have any questions or concerns that I didn't address, feel free to ask in the comments section!

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