Thursday, April 25, 2013

Keep High Blood Pressure in Check with Prayer

Most people pray for their spiritual health. But did you know that prayer can lower your blood pressure too? Devote time to reflect through prayer, saying the rosary or meditation and you will change your life in more ways than one. I'll show you how after the jump.

Find a Sanctuary

A sanctuary can be any place that's quiet: your bedroom, a corner of your local park or the front seat of your parked car. Once you find a spot, use it every time you pray. Over time, this spot will become a place of peace that relaxes you each time you enter.

Set a Time

If you are new to daily prayer or meditation, start your daily practice during the time of day when you are the most relaxed. For most people this is early in the morning or late at night. For you it can be any time during the day when you have the time to carve out a little space for yourself.

Play Music

Upbeat, groovy music makes your heart and your feet move. Soft music with a slow, mellow beat lowers your heart rate and your blood pressure. Choose the most soothing music you can find. If possible, pick a tune without lyrics that may distract you. If your sanctuary isn't as quiet as you'd like, listen through headphones to block out the background noise.


While you pray, breathe deeply. Inhale slowly until your diaphragm feels tight with air. Exhale slowly until the air is gone. Continue this controlled breathing as you pray. The calming effect of this deep breathing is nearly immediate.

This breathing technique is so effective that you can use it outside of your daily prayer sessions. If you feel burdened by stress or adversity at any point in your day, take a seat and breathe. A few minutes of deep breathing at your desk or in the bathroom will relieve your stress and lower your blood pressure.

Use the Tool

Prayer works to reduce blood pressure because it allows you to relieve stress. Take the troubles in your day to your prayer sanctuary. Pray for the strength to make your peace with the trials and tribulations of your day. Envision exhaling your troubles up to god as you breathe. Stay put until you feel the day's tension leaving your body.

Dr. Iglehart, MD

If you have or think you may have high blood pressure, its important to make and keep regular appointments with your doctor. As you work daily prayer and healthy diet into your routine, you may find your blood pressure dropping. Take your blood pressure two to three times daily to keep a close watch on your pressure then go to your doctor to discuss lowering your medication. If you have any questions about high blood pressure, feel free to leave them in the comments section.

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